How can I cancel my reservation ?

To cancel your reservation, contact us on 02 53 04 00 89 or send your request by email to [email protected]

For any cancellation of stay, fees will be billed to you according to our conditions of sale

These fees vary depending on the date of cancellation and arrival at the campsite.

Below is the fee schedule:

  • Cancellation for an arrival more than 90 days before the start of the stay: 30% of the amount of your accommodation.
  • Cancellation for an arrival between 90 and 30 days before the start of the stay: 50% of the amount of your accommodation.
  • Cancellation for an arrival between 29 and 07 days before the start of the stay: 80% of the amount of your accommodation.
  • Cancellation for an arrival less than 7 days before the start of the stay: 100% of the amount of your accommodation.


Administrative fees and the amount of insurance are never refundable regardless of the date of cancellation.

Upon receipt of your request, you will receive your cancellation invoice by email.

Our advice: take out insurance to recover the costs withheld, see the article here

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